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Very Hi? I want to ideas about korean dilemma or japenese performance

Very Hi? I want to ideas about korean dilemma or japenese performance

Any Japanese crisis is generally suggest! Any but favor those that have cliche tho Hatred submit to enjoy relationship.

  • i don’t need the hatred to get into just very few periods! More hatred more fun! 🙂 so remember need to see about above 6 shows along with them hating 1
  • Need hatred to be with both side
  • Style must be relationship with funny or rom com but all other type is perfect too but I have as get romance and comedy because i want to staying gentle cardiovascular system
  • Chap should fall in love before than lady or fall in love with female and later on female drops crazy . if there’sn’t ANY dilemma along these lines need than other are actually fine besides but satisfy hunt for such as this xp
  • No weep infant women run or wimp she should be at any rate daring.
  • great journey and working

So I understand. we generated lots of request and’s hard to come by like this to propose any but since there are certainly dilemma like simple inquire KINDLY suggest! And you could propose several dramas which has really love detest! 🙂 that could be incredible aswell! ^^ I am just open to nothing tho but kindly attempt to recommends simple request kind of crisis in case there isn’t then any can acceptable!